Similar to 'stereo ncp= fcp' console command, but NCP and FCP set by this Sets near and far clipping planes (NCP and FCP) for stereo rendering. Resets orientation by setting roll and pitch to 0, assuming that current yaw is forward direction and assumingĬurrent position as a 'zero-point' (for positional tracking). 4) Save the file and close it, then run Oculus Home, then Dying Light and it should automatically display in the Rift. 3) Next, simply add OculusEnabled () to the bottom of the config. Returns whether or not we are currently using the head mounted display. C:\Users\ (You) \Documents\DyingLight\out\settings. Returns whether or not the HMD hardware is connected and ready to use.

If the HMD supports positional tracking, whether or not we are currently being tracked Returns the flags for the device, so scripts can modify their behaviour appropriately Returns the World to Meters scale, which corresponds to the scale of the world as perceived by the player Returns a transform that can be used to convert points from tracking space to world space.ĭoes NOT include the set WorldToMeters scale, as that is added in by the backing XR system to their tracking space poses.
I was lucky enough to get hold of a TIR5 for almost nothing and whilst its my usual 'go-to' device, my set up (armchair for a seat on a family TV in a very sunny room) often makes the less fussy EDtracker a better choice for 'get in and fly' days when I cant afford the time taken to. All values will be zeroed if the sensor is not available or the HMD does not support it. Well done I do think the 3DOF trackers like EDtracker are worth a mention though. This allows an in-game representation of the legal positional tracking range. If the HMD has a positional sensor, this will return the game-world location of it, as well as the parameters for the bounding region of tracking. Returns current tracking origin type (eye level or floor level). Texture size is the size that will result in no under sampling in mostĭistorted area of the view when computing the final image to be displayed Target texture size as a factor of recommended texture size.
If positional tracking is not available, DevicePosition will be a zero vector reboot pc check if oculus home titles are running after that go to steam->library->dying light->properties->uncheck 'Use Desktop Game Theatre while SteamVR is active' go to (Your Documents Folder)\DyingLight\out\settings\video.scr open video. Grabs the current orientation and position for the HMD. If the HMD has multiple positional tracking sensors, return a total number of them currently connected. Returns the name of the device, so scripts can modify their behaviour appropriately Target is Head Mounted Display Function Library Switches to/from using HMD and stereo rendering.